Star Chart is the world's top astronomy and star gazing app available on iOS, Android, Win8 and many more platforms, with over 20M downloads and counting.
Star Chart is visually stunning and lets users travel explore the entire visible universe from the smallest satellites orbiting Earth to vast galaxies and nebula.
We merge high end visual graphics with accurate astronomy to create an unparralleled experience of space.
We model individual rocks in the rings of Saturn and Uranus to the accurate position of planets and their moons.
Star Chart has works with blockbuster movies to add Easter Eggs to the app.
We model individual moons to an insane level of detail.
We remaster photos of nebula to create unique views to an extent that not even NASA have acheived.
Star Chart includes Saturn and all it's moons.
We render the night sky with constellations from Johannes Hevelius' 17th century etchings.
A mix of data with visuals makes Star Chart a wonderful place to explore and learn.
You can explore Earth and its satellites.
Time-Shift lets you find that perfectly amazing view you were looking for.
We bring our AAA console game development experience to the app market.
Star Chart

Star Chart

Star Chart - the world's top astronomy and night sky app - broke 10M users at the end of 2013. Our team is made up of ex-Electronic Arts AAA cons Read More
